Image sources: I found these on Pinterest and now can't find their original sources. I would love to credit them properly, if anyone comes across them.
You'll come to some doors in life where you can choose to walk through or not. The lucky ones have the luxury of choice with many doors, all leading through other corridors and to more doors.
Sometimes you reach a dead end. There's only one door and you have no choice but to walk through it. The door I'm looking at at the moment is daunting and all I can see on the other side is grief, but I have no choice but to walk through it. There's no promise that time will make it easier, but if I walk through this door now and face all the fear and pain and suffering, I will be stronger and wiser. That doesn't lessen the loss in the future, but it will strengthen my reaction to it.
I hope whatever doors you're facing at the moment, you make the right choices and face the consequences with bravery.